Legal Protection For Justice Collaborators In The Disclosure Of Criminal Acts Of Corruption

Hafiz Algifari


Justice Collaborator is a witness who cooperates with the perpetrator. This means that he is one of the perpetrators of a criminal act of corruption, but not the main perpetrator. The aim of this research is to examine and understand the position of justice collaborators in efforts to eradicate criminal acts of corruption. Justice Collaborator is a witness to a perpetrator who is willing to cooperate with law enforcement to uncover a criminal act. What is the position of a justice collaborator in efforts to eradicate criminal acts of corruption and what problems occur to a Justice Collaborator. The method used in this research is the Normative Juridical approach method, the specifications in this research are descriptive analytical, the data used is secondary data, using data collection using literature study, qualitative data analysis, problems are analyzed using theory, Legal Protection and Justice Theory. The results of this study the position of the Justice Collaborator as an actor who is used as a witness who is willing to cooperate with law enforcement and the guidelines for its use are regulated in the Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 04 of 2011. The position of the Justice Collaborator is to place the Justice Collaborator as a key witness in new statutory regulations or include it in the law regarding efforts to eradicate existing criminal acts of corruption and place the Justice Collaborator as a witness whose testimony can be questioned outside the court session, so that investigators can more freely obtain information and information to expose other perpetrators in cases of criminal acts of corruption. The existence of a Justice Collaborator still faces many problems, often the LPSK is not involved in providing recommendations for witnesses who are worthy of being designated as perpetrator witnesses (Justice Collaborator).


Corruption; Justice; Problematic.


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