Hani Subagio


The brand of a product as a means of promotion (trade promotion) and advertisement for producers or entrepreneurs who trade the goods or services concerned. The 1961 Trademark Law has many disadvantages because the Constitutive Registration System or "first to use principle" often creates difficulties in determining who is actually the first user with good faithagainst the trademark at issue.

The paradigm used in this study is the constructivism paradigm, which is carried out using a normative juridical approach (legal research). Meanwhile, if needed it can also be supported with empirical data, based on an selective sample. In this specifications of the research conducted is descriptive analytical. In discussing the results of normative research, it is analyzed normatively and qualitatively, by first making efforts to determine the criteria for identification, classification, and systematic and to the effort of legal discovery, whether in the form of legal interpretation or legal construction to give birth to a legal argument.

The “first to file†system has significant weaknesses. In the “first to file†registration system, the principle of brand acceptance is “first to fileâ€, meaning that anyone who registers first will be accepted by registering without questioning whether the registrant really uses the mark for the benefit of his business. In such case, the registrant then (in fact the user of the actual mark) must carry out a "Special Settlement" with the first registrant so that the first registrant will submit the mark to the registrant later.

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