Bambang Setyabudi


The ability to utilize information technology in the era of disruption is the empowerment of information and communication technology, which is increasingly difficult to stem from this phenomenon. The existence of corporations as a legal subject has a very important role in the development of a country. So that corporations have the potential to commit deviant acts and lead to criminal acts. The punishment for corporations is different from the punishment for people, because corporations have a different character in principle from the criminal law subjects for people. The research used is juridical analysis research. the issues raised regarding the Rationale of Corporations as Subjects of Criminal Law and Corporate Criminal Liability in the era of disruption, the results of the analysis are as follows. The punishment for corporations is different from the punishment for people, because corporations have a different character in principle from the criminal law subjects for people. There are forms of punishment that can be applied to people but cannot be applied to corporations. Based on this, there are several forms of sanctions that can be applied to corporations that commit crimes, namely probation, equity fines, transfer into individual sanctions, additional sanctions, community service sanctions, juridical authority from outside the company, and obligation to buy shares.

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