Legal Position of Land Ownership Certificates and Government Responsibility for Land Ownership Through a Complete Systematic Land Registration Program
This study investigates the legal status of land title certificates and government responsibilities related to land ownership through the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) using a library methodology. This approach involves analyzing legal documents, related literature, and government policies related to PTSL and land ownership. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the legal status of the Land Title Certificate (SHM) as legal evidence of land ownership in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and how the legal protection is against Decision Decision number 743 / PDT.G / 2022 / PN.JKT.SEL concerning the Cancellation of SHM number 11142 / BINTARO / 2019 and its legal consequences. The library methodology allows for a comprehensive understanding of the legal issues and government responsibilities in the context of PTSL, taking into account the historical, philosophical, and socio-cultural aspects that influence the implementation of the program. Through this approach, it is hoped that in-depth insights can be obtained into the role of land title certificates in ensuring legal certainty of land and the government's responsibility in facilitating sustainable and fair land ownership for the community.
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