Police Responsibilities in Security Using Tear Gas in Relation to Child Protection

Dorprawati Siburian, Denny Suwondo


This research is an answer to the problem. This type of research is field research, using a sociological legal analysis method, meaning that the type of research used is legal research that is sourced from legislation and approaches related to social theory. The theories used in this study are the Legal Certainty theory from Gustav Radbruch and the Legal Protection theory from Christine STKansil. Referring to the regulation of the Chief of Police No. Pol 16 of 2006 concerning guidelines for crowd control, a warrant is prepared for security activities, training is carried out for personnel appointed to fire tear gas, checking the expiration date of the tear gas to be used, and an attempt is made to reprimand them to be calm or conducive (building communication to avoid more aggressive security efforts). Children are not allowed to be in crowds or in areas that endanger the physical safety of children, but if there are conditions that turn out to be children in vulnerable or dangerous areas, then an appeal is the most important thing. The role of DP3AP2KB in providing advocacy and community education is expected to support efforts to prevent and overcome child protection for their participation in violence, and securing the masses who are forced to use tear gas must be in accordance with Police SOP. The main objective in this protection role is to ensure that the use of tear gas is carried out in a manner that is in accordance with ethical standards and human rights, and to minimize the risk of injury to all parties involved.


Police; Responsibility; Violence.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/jhku.v20i1.43974


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