Penegakan Hukum Secara Terpadu Terhadap Tindak Pidana Peredaran Minuman Keras
Minuman keras adalah tema klasik, masyarakat mengetahui, mengkonsumsi miras merupakan konsumsi yang berakibat negatif. Berdasarkan medis juga demikian, bahkan konsumsi miras berlebih dapat menyebabkan kematian. Pemerintah telah menerbitkan peraturan mengenai peredaran minuman keras. Dalam pasal 204 ayat 2 KUHP disebutkan seseorang yang menjual sesuatu yang sifatnya berbahaya dan menyebabkan kematian akan dihukum penjara hingga 20 tahun. Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Nomor 04/PDN/PER/4/2015, yaitu pengendalian, peredaran, dan penjualan minuman beralkohol golongan A. Beberapa Perda yang dicabut memang memiliki kata larangan, yang mencakupi penjualan, distribusi, hingga produksi minuman beralkohol di daerah tersebut. Sementara, pemerintah tidak ingin alkohol benar-benar ditutup aksesnya. Hanya perlu diatur penjualannya. Adanya payung hukum terhadap produksi dan peredaran miras di Indonesia, ternyata sulit untuk memberantas tindak pidana peredaran minuman keras. Terbukti peraturan daerah ini memang tidak efektif, terlihat masih tingginya angka kematian akibat konsumsi minuman keras.
Upaya penegakan hukum peredaran miras dilakukan secara terpadu oleh Kepolisian, Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja dan Departemen Perdagangan. Mereka menjalankan tugas sesuai koridornya. Departemen Perdagangan terkait ijin penjualan minuman keras, Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja berpedoman pada peraturan daerah yang mengatur. Sedangkan Kepolisian berpedoman pada KUH Pidana dan Keputusan Menteri.
Kata Kunci: peredaran minuman keras, penegakan hukum
Alcoholic drinks are a classic theme, people know, consuming alcoholic beverages is a negative consumption. Based on the medical also so, even excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause death. The government has issued regulations on the distribution of alcoholic beverages. In article 204 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code mentioned someone who sells something that is dangerous and cause death will be sentenced to imprisonment up to 20 years. Director General of Domestic Trade No. 04 / PDN / PER / 4/2015, namely controlling, distributing and selling alcoholic drinks of class A. Some of the revoked Regional Regulations do have a prohibition word, which covers sales, distribution, to alcoholic beverages production in the region the. Meanwhile, the government does not want alcohol completely closed access. Just need to set the sale. The existence of legal umbrella on the production and distribution of alcoholic beverages in Indonesia, it is difficult to eradicate the criminal trafficking of liquor. Proven regulation of this area is not effective, looks still high mortality rate due to consumption of alcoholic drinks.
The effort to enforce the law of alcoholic circulation is done in an integrated manner by the Police, the Civil Service Police Unit and the Ministry of Trade. They perform the task according to the corridor. Ministry of Commerce related liquor sales license, Civil Service Police Unit is guided by regulating local regulations. While the Police is guided by the Criminal Code and the Ministerial Decree.
Keywords: alcoholic drink distribution, law enforcement
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Faculty of Law, Unissula | Copyright of Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah | |
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