IJIBE (International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics) published by Economic Faculty of Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, in collaboration with Fintech Syariah Indonesia, is a publication medium for result of researchs conducted by researchers, academicians, and broad society in the field of Islamic economics and Islamic business ethics. Islamic economics is considered as a system that accordance with Islamic sharia principles and is aimed for the benefit of people and the welfare of broader community for either the present or the future.
IJIBE got P-ISSN 2502-0633 in December 2015 and E-ISSN 2502-4647 in January 2016. The first edition of IJIBE published in March 2016, then it considered that IJIBE publish twice a year in March and September. IJIBE has been indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal) in 2019, and Sinta (Science and Technology Index) 3 in 2020. IJIBE keeps upgrading the quality of the journal so that it could be a reputable journal both nationally and internationally.

Vol 9, No 2 (2024): September 2024
Table of Contents
The Influence of Sharia Financial Literacy and Fintech Lending Services on the Financial Behavior of Muslim Communities
Aniva Nur Fadillah, Wiku Suryomurti
Mental Accounting and Heuristics for Personal Finance Management Among University Students: Exploring the Emerging Role of Islamic Perspectives
Tiur Enjel Sinaga, Ira Grania Mustika, Gita Desyana
Does Fintech Affect Consumer Retention in Islamic Banks? Empirical Evidence from OIC Countries
Safeer Ullah Khan, Eli Sumarliah
Islamic Human Capital Strategies for Preventing Fraud in Sharia Cooperatives
Yuli Indah Sari, Widiyanto bin Mislan Cokrohadisumarto
The Influence of Mudharabah Financing and Murabahah Financing on Net Profit in Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia 2019–2020
Aulia Dinda Prasetya, Winarsih Winarsih
Budget Participation on Managerial Performance With Budgetary Justice As A Mediation Variable
Ardilla Ayu Kirana, Emeralda Ayu Kusuma