Author Geograpichal Coverage: Indonesia & Malaysia
Table of Contents
Legal Gaps in the Implementation of the Cyber Notary Concept Based on Indonesian Civil Law
Nurfadhilah Rizmi, Irna Komala Syari, Wulan Setianingrum, Chandra Yusuf
Cyber Notary Problems in Legal Reform in Indonesia
Ani Eva Sujiati, Visca Aliya Ifana, Moh Galih Raka Siwi Ahimsya, Peni Rinda Listyawati
Review of the Problems and Legal Protection for Parties in the Implementation of Authentic Deeds Made Based on the Cyber Notary Concept in Indonesia
Dini Anggraini Sudarwati, Hansel Randy Mulia, Liesmawati Liesmawati, I Ketut Oka Setiawan
Problems of Implementing Cyber Notary in Notarial Deeds in Indonesia
Mohammad Jamus, Grimaldi Setia Budi, Dian Rosita Sari, Indah Parmitasari
The Development of Technology and Information and Its Impact on Notarial Practice in Relation to Legal Certainty
Pande Ketut Natalia Desintha, Nabila Khoirunnisa, Elsya Vania, Edrick Edwardina Effendy
Application of the Power of Proof Cyber Notary in Indonesia
Stephanie Christy, Winarsih Winarsih, Hotma Elisa Irene Siahaan, Tjempaka Tjempaka
Analysis of the Strength of a Deed Made by a Notary Against the Concept of Cyber Notary
Andi Pangerang Al Hadid, Tiya Nur’aini, Florentina Christy, Tjempaka Tjempaka