Legal Consequences of a House Sale and Purchase Agreement via Home Ownership Credit Under Hand Over Credit

Dewi Fitriasih Purwandini, Nanang Sri Darmadi


This research aims to analyze: 1) The legal consequences of a house sale and purchase agreement via over-credit KPR under the hands of the parties. 2) Legal protection for parties due to over-credit sales and purchase agreements. The approach methods used in this research are the case study approach and the statutory approach. This type of research includes normative juridical research. The type and source of data in this research is secondary data obtained through literature study. The analysis in this research is prescriptive in nature. The results of the research are concluded: 1) The legal consequences of a house sale and purchase agreement via KPR under hand over credit for the parties which are carried out with trust in each other, because this trust is not based on applicable law will be detrimental to the parties who takes over the debtor. These losses can be in the form of default. The legal consequence of this default is that the replacement debtor cannot take the certificate which is still in the control of the bank. The replacement debtor cannot change the name, because the certificate is still registered in the name of the first debtor. 2) Legal protection for the parties as a result of an over-credit sale and purchase agreement, namely preventive protection for the buyer that can be carried out in the implementation of the sale and purchase agreement by checking the existence of proof of ownership of land rights that are the object of the agreement. The repressive protection in decision Number 30/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Cbn is by filing a lawsuit with the court. In this decision, the plaintiff or buyer asks the Cirebon District Court to use the decision to take the mortgage house certificate which is still in the control of the bank and carry out the name change process. In his decision the judge stated that the mortgage house purchased by the plaintiff was valid and had permanent legal force. The judge also stated that the buyer was a buyer who had good intentions regarding the object of the dispute. One of the principles in a sales and purchase agreement is that buyers who have good intentions must always be protected.


Credit; House; Over.


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