Hania Rosa Amalia, Siti Sumiati


The purpose of making this article is to analyze the Service Quality and Performance Targets of
Apparatus Resources at the DPRD Secretariat of Rembang Regency, to describe the vision,
mission, goals, strategies and policies of the Secretariat to improve services to DPRD members.
In Improving the Performance of State Civil Apparatus at the DPRD Secretariat of Rembang
Regency, it is necessary to provide quality service performance so that DPRD Members have
the openness to provide clear and precise information as itis so that DPRD Members feel how
appropriate and accurate services are and can be accounted for for the interests and
satisfaction of Members. Board.
The result of this research is that the performance of the Secretariat of the Regional People's
Representative Council in facilitating the implementation of the tasks of the Rembang Regency
Regional People's Representative Council has generally been optimal. Obstacles faced in the
form of inadequate ASN staff resources, and the presence of discommunication, inadequate
facilities and infrastructure and budget allocations. The strategy carried out is by increasing
the resources of ASN or staff and implementers by participating in human resource development
activities such as technical guidance, seminars or workshops besides providing opportunities to
increase their level of education and providing direction and explanation, asking and inviting
staff to be serious. in carrying out their duties, equipping facilities and infrastructure,
proposing additional budget allocations and communicating between the Secretariat and the

Full Text:



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