Law Enforcement Against Traffic Violations Resulting in Traffic Accidents with Damage to Vehicles or Goods

Anita Anita, Denny Suwondo


The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe law enforcement against traffic violations that result in traffic accidents with damage to vehicles or goods. To analyze and describe police obstacles to traffic violations that result in traffic accidents with damage to vehicles or goods and their solutions. The method used by the researcher is the type of legal research conducted in a normative juridical manner. In connection with the type of research used is normative juridical, the approach taken in this paper is the statute approach. Data collected from the results of the study and then the data will be processed and analyzed using qualitative data processing techniques. Based on the results of the study, law enforcement against traffic violations resulting in traffic accidents with damage to vehicles or goods has been enforced through penal efforts with prison sanctions which are threatened with a maximum criminal sentence of 6 (six) months and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) and non-penal efforts are more directed at preventing traffic accidents. The obstacle is the weak sanctions regulated and given to traffic violators, resulting in no deterrent effect. In addition, there are no regulations related to compensation suffered by victims arising from traffic violations and causing traffic accidents. The solution is to provide warnings, tickets, and even confiscation of motor vehicles. In addition, there needs to be a change in the system of imposing sanctions on traffic violations that are carried out manually to be changed to electronic.


Law Enforcement, Traffic Violations, Traffic Accidents, Vehicles or Goods

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