Legal Review of Criminal Aspects in the Scope of Traffic

Agus Safrio


The purpose of this study is to study and analyze the nature of criminal aspects of traffic in national legal products. In this writing, the author uses a normative legal method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. To overcome traffic accidents and other traffic problems, an effort is needed, one of which is by implementing effective criminal law enforcement against traffic violators, the hope is that the community can be more disciplined in traffic so that traffic peace is created. The implementation of criminal law enforcement against traffic violators is certainly different from the implementation of criminal law enforcement against perpetrators of other crimes. The implementation of criminal law enforcement against traffic violators also often cannot run effectively, this is influenced by various factors. The sanctions given to the perpetrators are not for the perpetrators to feel suffering but are intended to emphasize legal order, protect the legal community, so that road users are more obedient and compliant in traffic. Law Number 22 of 2009 has explained various provisions of punishment due to the impact of traffic law violations such as the impact on accidents that cause minor or serious injuries and death.


Law, Criminal Aspects, Traffic.

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