Implementation of Restorative Justice for Addicts in Drug Abuse Crimes

Afifah Afifah, Andi Winjaya Laksana


The purpose of this study: 1). to study and analyze the implementation of restorative justice for addicts in drug abuse crimes; 2). To study and analyze the obstacles to the implementation of restorative justice for addicts in drug abuse crimes. This study uses a sociological juridical approach, with a descriptive analytical research method. The data used are primary and secondary data which will be analyzed qualitatively. The research problems are analyzed using Lawrence Friedman's legal system theory and restorative justice theory. The results of the study concluded that: 1) The implementation of restorative justice for addicts in drug abuse crimes that the rationalization of Restorative Justice for Drug Addicts Based on Perja Policy No. 18 of 2021 can be in the form of termination of prosecution by the Prosecutor's Office against suspected drug addicts. As a step in the form of restorative justice with the terms and conditions stated in Perja No. 18 of 2021, in the process of which an Integrated Assessment Team was formed consisting of 3 agencies, namely the Prosecutor's Office, Police, BNN; 2). Obstacles faced in the implementation of restorative justice for addicts in criminal acts of drug abuse, namely: a. Internal factors that hinder investigators from carrying out restorative justice during investigations, namely: Financial constraints, Suboptimal police professionalism and expertise, and Weak law enforcement in Indonesia and less than optimal arrest times; b. External factors, namely the lack of public understanding of restorative justice carried out by the police, resulting in a lack of public participation in the Police, making the police's work a little difficult. The solution to the obstacles experienced in restorative justice is to always conduct socialization in the community, especially young people, regarding the dangers and impacts of drug abuse, as well as an understanding of restorative justice in the community so that later they can work together in the process of taking action against drug abuse.


Restorative, Criminal Acts, Narcotics

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