Optimization of Eradication of Narcotics Crime in the Central Java Regional Police Area
The development of narcotics law policy is still based on the traditional criminal law system, while on the one hand, narcotics criminal law policy must face the digitalization era where crimes are no longer in the traditional mode but are more advanced into a mode in the form of cyber crime. This often makes the optimization of narcotics eradication constipated. The type of legal research used is non-doctrinal. Based on the research conducted, it can be seen that the eradication of illegal narcotics trafficking in the Central Java Regional Police area has not been able to be realized, this situation is a result of the absence of regulations on illegal narcotics trafficking through digital in Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. The factors that have not been able to overcome the problem of narcotics law in digital form are substantive factors in the form of the absence of regulations regarding illegal narcotics distribution through digital means, structural factors in the form of the lack of digital facilities and infrastructure in overcoming the problem of digital narcotics distribution, cultural factors in the form of poverty and socio-cultural order issues that have resulted in many victims of damaged social environments becoming users by making digital media the latest modus operandi.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.4.921-930
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