Fulfillment of Restitution Rights for Victims of Child Sexual Violence from the Perspective of Legal Justice

Bram Dhananjaya


The aim of fulfilling the right to restitution of victims of criminal acts of child sexual violence in the perspective of legal justice. The research method used is sociological research which studies the influence of society on law, the extent to which symptoms in society can influence the law and vice versa and departs from the paradigm of empirical science. The results of the research regarding the fulfillment of the right to restitution for victims of criminal acts of child sexual violence were deemed not to have fulfilled the values of justice for victims of acts of child sexual violence, it was proven that the request for restitution was not in accordance with what was requested by the victim's parents, so this decision was felt to have paid little attention to compensation for victims


Restitution, Child Sexual Violence, Legal Justice



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.4.671-680


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