Strategic Steps of the Police in Eradicating Online Gambling

Didik Sulaiman


The purpose of this study is to determine, examine and analyze the role of the Police in enforcing the law to eradicate online gambling access. In this writing, the author uses a normative legal method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. One of the conveniences found in online gambling is that it can be played anytime and anywhere because online gambling bookies spread across the internet operate 24 hours. In payment transactions, online facilities have also been used by sending them via M-Banking. Online gambling perpetrators utilize information and communication technology as a means of modern gambling. Regarding the eradication of online gambling, the Police have taken massive legal action against gambling practices. The eradication efforts were carried out after the Chief of Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo instructed all police at all levels to take strict action against gambling practices. In fact, even though online gambling has been regulated in Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, online gambling cannot be easily enforced because the government and its legal apparatus have not been able to balance crime techniques with information technology facilities, especially the internet.


Strategic, Police, Online Gambling.

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