Protection of Forensic Doctors in Identifying Victims of Mass Disaster Deaths in Yogyakarta
This study aims to analyze and find the protection of Forensic Doctors in identifying victims of mass disasters; to analyze and find obstacles to the protection of Forensic Doctors in identifying victims of mass disasters; to formulate legal protection of Forensic Doctors in identifying victims of mass disasters. This study uses the theory of legal protection and the theory of the legal system, the research method used is empirical juridical, the research specifications are descriptive analysis, the types of primary data and secondary data consist of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials, while the data collection technique uses literature studies and field studies, and the data is analyzed descriptively. The results of the study show that the legal protection of Forensic Doctors in identifying victims of mass disasters in the Health Law has not specifically regulated forensic doctors who are part of the Disaster Victim Identification team. Obstacles to the legal protection of Forensic Doctors in identifying victims of mass disasters are legal structure obstacles where the distribution of DVI police doctors is lacking. b). Legal substance obstacles, namely Article 157 of the Health Law does not regulate the existence of Disaster Victim Identification and who has the right to issue identification results in DVI operations for mass disasters. c). Legal culture obstacles where the legal culture of being aware of disasters is still lacking, resulting in the evacuation process experiencing obstacles that result in many fatalities every time a mass disaster occurs and a culture of awareness of the importance of identification for victims who die from mass disasters. The formulation of protection for Forensic Doctors in identifying victims of mass disasters is by making Clear Regulations, having Professional Insurance, Provision of counseling services and psychological support to help forensic doctors overcome trauma and stress due to their work, Training and Competency Development and Legal Protection from Institutions.
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