Legal Protection Against Women Victims of Violence in The Household (Case Study in Balikpapan City Area)
This research aims to know and analyze the procedure of legal protection for women victims of domestic violence in Balikpapan City. In addition, this study also examines the legal efforts that can be done in protecting women victims of domestic violence in Balikpapan City. The type of research used is sociological juridical research. In this research, the author uses legal protection theory, legal benefit theory and legal protection theory in Islamic perspective as the theoretical framework. In this case, Law Number 23 Year 2004 is a legal regulation that provides legal protection for women who are victims of domestic violence. In addition, there are several facts that show a consistent increase in the number of cases of violence against women in East Kalimantan Province every year. Based on these events, the author believes that the implementation of legal protection for women who are victims of domestic violence (KDRT) with 3 (three) legal efforts, namely preventive legal efforts, curative legal efforts and repressive legal efforts.
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