Optimizing the Role of the Police in Enforcing the Law on Online Gambling Crimes
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the methods of law enforcement by the Police against online gambling activities. The phenomenon of the spread of online gambling today can be said to have become a problem with national emergency status. The ease of access to this gambling game with only an Android device, laptop and the ease of placing bets with a deposit system to an account on an online gambling website and can be played anywhere makes the effect of online gambling games accessible to all groups, both adults, teenagers, and even children. The brutal impact that has occurred recently due to online gambling is very concerning. There are implications for the criminal element in online gambling activities on the side of online gambling website developers as a form of cybercrime. Law enforcement against cybercrime in Indonesia, especially online gambling crimes, is carried out by the Police, because cybercrime is related to the issue of state security and stability. The police in terms of eradicating online gambling and the manifestation of the police's commitment to eradicating online gambling which focuses on online gambling bookies.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.4.181-190
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