Lalita El Milla, Decky J. Indrani, Bambang Irawan


Background: In bone tissue engineering, scaffold is required with a large porosity of 80-90%. The porosity of the hydroxyapatite/alginate scaffold can be affected by the alginate concentration used. The objective of this study was to determine whether hydroxyapatite/alginate scaffolds with alginate concentration of 1% and 3% could be synthesized and to determine whether the use of low concentration alginates in hydroxyapatite/alginate scaffolds could increase the
scaffold porosity.
Methods: The method used in making scaffold was freeze drying method, while the method used to measure porosity was liquid displacement method
Result: In this study, it was found that hydroxyapatite/1% alginate scaffolds porosity had greater porosity compared with hydroxyapatite/3% alginate scaffolds with signifcant difference.
Conclusion: So, it can be concluded that the use of lower alginate concentration can increase porosity in hydroxyapatite/alginate scaffolds.


Scaffolds; Porosity; Hydroxyapatite; Alginate

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