Komang Eni Pradnyanaputri, Sari Kusumadewi, Desak Nyoman Ari Susanti


Background: Pregnant women usually suffer from gingivitis due to an increase
in progesterone and estrogen hormones followed by hypervascularization. As the result, gingiva becomes more sensitive to plaque and calculus. Pregnant women in Trimester II began to experience gingivitis and would get worse in the trimester III. As known, gingivitis in pregnant women may be affected by age of pregnancy, occupation and education level. The aim of the study was to describe
the prevalence of gingivitis in pregnant women at RSUD Klungkung, related to
age of pregnancy, occupation and education.
Methods: This research was a descriptive study using cross sectional study approach. Sample in this study was 85 people using consecutive sampling technique. Data collection was done by giving questionnaire and screening to pregnant women to know their gingival score.
Result: The results of this study showed that most of pregnant women in trimester I experienced gingivitis score 1 (57,9%), trimester II gingivitis score 2 (65,5%), and trimester III gingivitis score 3 (83,8%). Pregnant women who did
not work had more gingivitis (42%) than pregnant women who worked (37.1%).
Pregnant women with lower education level experienced more gingivitis (92.8%) than pregnant women with higher education level (75%).
Conclusion: The number of gingivitis in pregnant women is increasing as
their age of pregnancy, where the ginggivitis score in trimester I is better than trimester III. This result also correlated with age of pregnancy, occupation and


gingivitis; ibu hamil; usia kehamilan; pekerjaan; pendidikan

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