Arina Shafia, Rochman Mujayanto, Anggun Feranisa


Background: Traumatic ulcers were pathological conditions characterized by loss of epithelial and basal layers resulting from tissue surface excavation caused by trauma. Ulcer healing process consisted of inflammatory, proliferation, and maturation phases. One of the cytokines that play a role in the anti-inflammatory process was IL-10 which worked by balancing the excessive amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Bay leaf contained flavonoids which had anti-inflammatory effects. This study’s objective is to determine the effect of bay leaf extract gel on IL-10 expression in the healing process of traumatic ulcers.
Method: This study was an analytical study of true experimental laboratories post-test only, consisting of four groups and a sample of 20 male Wistar rats. Mucous ulcers on rat lip were treated with bay leaf extract gel until the 3rd and 5th days. Rat mucosal tissue would be made histological preparations with immunohistochemical staining and calculated IL-10 expression using the Hotspot method. Data obtained then analyzed using Independent T-Test.
Result: Results explained that there was a significant increase in IL-10 expression in the group treated using 10% bay leaf extract gel than the control group on 3rd and 5th day, which was marked by a significant p <0.05.
Conclusion: The conclusion obtained was 10% bay leaf extract (Syzygium polyanthum) Gel effective in increasing IL-10 expression in the healing of the mucous traumatic ulcer of the mouth of the Wistar rat.


Bay Leaf; IL-10; Traumatic Ulcers


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