Designing a Learning Trajectory of Area and Perimeter of Flat Shapes with Realistic Mathematics Education Approach for Fourth Grade Elementary School

Purwati Purwati, Zetra Hainul Putra, Eddy Noviana


This study was motivated by the lack of students' understanding of the concept of learning mathematics in elementary schools in measuring the area and perimeter of flat shapes. Therefore, the researchers designed and developed a learning trajectory of area and perimeter of flat shapes, square and rectangle, with Realistic Mathematics Education approach. The study used design research as methodological approach consisting of three phases, the preparatory phase, the experimental phase, and the retrospective analysis phase. The learning trajectory was tested with 14 students, 4 students for one to one and 10 students for experimental process. The data were gathered from interviews with several students, observations from videos during the learning process, and analysis of students' worksheets. The findings of the study showed that the learning trajectory of area and perimeter of flat shapes with Realistic Mathematics Education approach triggered students to develop their mathematical reasoning on the concept of area and perimeter of flat shape, square and rectangle.

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