Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Kontinu: Jurnal Penelitian Didaktik Matematika which was originally called Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (2012-2016) focuses on publishing manuscripts within the following areas:

  1. Design and development of mathematics learning
  2. Mathematics learning theory
  3. Mathematical understanding
  4. Assessment and evaluation of mathematics education
  5. The use of technology in mathematics education
  6. The role of artificial intelligence in learning mathematics
  7. Social and cultural contexts in mathematics education
  8. Errors and misconceptions
  9. Mathematical thinking and problem-solving
  10. Competence of mathematics teachers
  11. Mathematics curriculum
  12. Inclusion in mathematics education
  13. Ethnomathematics and multicultural education
  14. Character education in mathematics teaching
  15. Mathematical representations
  16. Mathematical literacy
  17. Cognitive and affective studies in mathematics learning
  18. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
  19. Mathematics education in teacher professional development


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


this section is only for editor

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to this journal must follow focus and scope, and author guidelines of this journal. The submitted manuscripts must address scientific merit or novelty appropriate to the focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism contents. All authors are suggested to use plagiarism detection softaware to do the similarity checking. Editors check the plagiarism detection of articles in this journal by using a Turnitin software.

The research article submitted to this journal will be peer-reviewed at least 2 (two) or more expert reviewers. The reviewers give scientific valuable comments improving the contents of the manuscript.

Final decision of articles acceptance will be made by Editors according to reviewers comments. Publication of accepted articles including the sequence of published articles will be made by Editor in Chief by considering sequence of accepted date and geographical distribution of authors as well as thematic issue.


Publication Frequency

Kontinu: Jurnal Penelitian Didaktik Matematika akan di publish dua tahun sekali pada bulan Mei dan November


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.