Legal Protection for Owners of Land Rights in the Process of Changing Names After the Burning of the Brebes Regency Land Office
The fire incident resulted in land documents being destroyed. As happened at the Brebes BPN Office, a fire disaster occurred causing damage to the 2023 Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) certificates which were ready to be submitted to approximately 6000 files which were currently being worked on. The result of the fire incident at the Brebes BPN Office will cause delays in land services and an increase in the escalation of land conflict disputes. The aim of this research is to determine the legal protection for land rights owners in the name change process after the fire of the Brebes Regency Land Office and the efforts of the land office to owner of land rights. This research is empirical research. Judging from the type of data, the research approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. This research uses primary data types and sources supported by secondary data. The data analysis technique used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of the research state that the legal protection of land owners after the Brebes Land Office fire involves the recovery of land certificates and books by BPN based on Perkaban Number 6 of 2010. The process of changing names can be assisted by a legal expert or notary, with the land owner including important documents and coordinating with related parties . The Brebes Land Office restored land certificate data after the fire, even though the negative land registration system had weaknesses. Recovery follows Head of Agency Regulation Number 6 of 2010 regarding disaster management and returning community rights to land assets in disaster areas.
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