Notary's Responsibility for Forgery of Inheritance Certificate Documents by Heirs

Nurlatifah Dini


This research aims to analyze: 1) The notary's responsibility for falsifying inheritance certificate documents by heirs. 2) Legal protection for notaries against falsification of inheritance certificate documents by heirs. The approach method used in this research is the statutory approach. This type of research includes normative legal research. The type and source of data is secondary data. obtained by literature study. The analysis in this research is qualitative. The results of the research concluded: 1) The notary's responsibility for falsifying inheritance certificate documents by the heirs, namely the Notary in this case cannot be held criminally responsible as in the prosecution, because in the trial no evidence was found that Notary M participated in committing the crime together with the face (L ). Notary M was not legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act as charged in Article 266 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 paragraph 1 1 of the Criminal Code. Notary M only makes authentic deeds based on documents from the Applicant (L). However, due to lack of thoroughness and caution, the document used as the basis for issuing the deed was a fake document. The responsibility of a Notary adheres to the principle of responsibility based on fault (based on fault of liability), in making an authentic deed, the Notary must be responsible if the deed he makes contains an error or intentional violation by the Notary. 2) Legal protection for notaries against falsification of inheritance certificate documents by heirs, namely that notaries are given special privileges such as the right of denial. Legal protection for reneging obligations is a means of legal protection for notaries, especially from the criminal process. In the form of legal protection for notaries according to the Notary Honorary Council, based on Article 66 paragraph 1, if you want to summon a Notary, the police, prosecutor or judge must obtain MPD approval.


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