Syahwat Management, Tabarroja, Leadership Ethics Education In Islamic Perspectives

Iswan Iswan, Herwina Bahar


Syahwat (lust) can be interpreted as the tendency of the soul to what it wants; nuzu’annafs ila ma turiduhu. In the Qur’an, the word syahwat (lust) is sometimes intended for the desired object, but in another verse it is used to refer to the potential of human desire comprehensively. If the impulse of syahwat is followed by paying attention to moral values, so it will change into a destructive impulse of lust. Therefore the role and function of ethics education in leadership is expected to be able to control negative things or abnormal desires that must be controlled by each individual, through common sense which is more rational. Tabarroja is a fi'tsulatsi mazid with the addition of two letters, the origin is ba-ro-ja. In Arobiya's speech, Ibn Madzur said: everything that looks clear and prominent, it is predicated as baroja. That is why the splendors made are more highlighted through the desire that can be called burujun because of its prominence, the clarity and height. The role of ethics education is very important. In islamic view, leadership is seen as a mandate that must be carried out according to norms and ethics that we believe to be the center of self-control, so the leader will be able to leave negative things. A national leader is essentially carrying out the mandate of Allah SWT, as well as the mandate of the people or society. Taking amanah means taking the consequences of managing responsibly according to expectations and needs. The role of ethics education in Islamic leadership is always improved in a sustainably way, while the leadership of someone who is given a mandate is not property rights, which it can be enjoyed by the one who hold it. Therefore in islamic views, there are two dimensions of leadership perspective. These are upholding religion and taking care of world affairs. Keywords: Syahwat Management, Ethics Education, Leadership Islamic Perspective

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