The articles served on this page have been all reviewed properly according to the JACEE standards and policies and are accepted to be published in the upcoming issues. However, the articles have no particular publication date yet, until they are officially published on the website in a complete issue or volume.
Table of Contents
Civil Engineering
The Influence of Ramp Geometry on The Performance of non-Toll Roads Around the Merging
Widiyo Subiantoro, Doddy Ari Suryanto |
Digital Construction Implementation in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 Using Augmented Reality Technology to Determine Building Coordinates
Arif Widayanto, A Antonius, Moh Faiqun Niam |
Simulation of The Backpropagation Method on Durability Value Using Starbit Asphalt Against Soaking Time
Saleh Alfian, Lubis Fadrizal, Rahim Afdhal |
Study of Compressive Strength of Cellular Lightweight Concrete (CLC) Bricks Using Empty Palm Fruit Bunch Ash (EPFBA) as an Additive
Benny Setiawan, Ahmad Hamidi |
Artificial Neural Network Method for Predicting Compressive Strength of Normal Concrete
Auliya Makrifa, Dhiafah Hera Darayani, Jauhari Prasetiawan, J Juanita |
Concrete Resistance in the Marine Environment: The Effect of Seawater Immersion (Curing) on Compressive Strength
Didik Setya Purwantoro, Muhammad Nur Fajar, Hasriadi Muchtar, Mohammad Aris, Wilis Sutiono |
Utilization of Rice Husk Waste and Wood Powder as Filler in AC-WC Asphalt
Rizky Febrian Perdana, Bambang Supriyanto |