The Comparative Study of Notary in Indonesia & Malaysia with Two Differences Law System (Civil Law & Common Law)

Ong Argo Victoria, Sri Kusriyah


This research aims to know the comparison of law system of notary in Indonesia and Malaysia with two differences system both are civil law and common law and also to know notary’s authorized to make authentic deeds regarding all actions, agreements and provisions required by the laws and regulations and/or that the interested party wants to be stated in the authentic deed, guarantees the certainty of the deed creation date, keeps the deed, provides grosse, copies and excerpts of the deed , all of them as long as the deeds are drawn up, they are not assigned or exempted from other officials or other people as stipulated by law. Therefore, the general power (openbaar gezaag) based on the law assigns the officer concerned to produce written evidence as desired by the parties with authentic power. The approach method used in this study is primarily a descriptive analysis approach with legal comparison methods. This means that all notaries must comply with the Notary Code of Ethics. What is stated in the notary code of ethics made by the INI organization which is the only notary organization that is legally incorporated in accordance with UUJN. The result means that all notaries must comply with the Notary Code of Ethics. While starting January 5, 2015 the Embassy in Kuala Lumpur requires appointments for all notarial services. Please bring your appointment confirmation sheet and arrive at the embassy 10 minutes before the appointment time. It can provide most of the same notarial services that a public notary is authorized by law to perform within the United States. Services are similary available as in U.S. and to foreign nationals with documents intended for use within the U.S. By following to the ACS Unit when requesting notary services: The documents to be notarized, including attachments, if any. The passport and   one   other   photo   identification.   Witnesses,   if required. (Consular staff are not alloitd to serve as witnesses.) $50.00 or the equivalent in Malaysian ringgit for each seal. Notary fees can be paid in cash or by credit card.


Civil; Code; Common; Comparison; Notary.

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Act 115

Act 14/1960 Notaries Public (Amendment) 30-05-1960 Act 1960

Act 160 Malaysian Currency (Ringgit) 29-08-1975

Act 1975

Act 1980

Act 1994

Act 1997 of Malaysian Federation

Act 7/1961 Notaries Public (Amendment) 01-06-1961 Act 1961

Act A501 Notaries Public (Amendment) 01-08-1991

Act A885 Constitution (Amendment) 24-06-1994

Act A992 Notaries Public (Amendment) 27-06-1997

Act No. 30 of 2004 jo. Act No. 4 of 2014 concerning the Position of Notary Public

Constitution of 1945 Republic of Indonesia

L.N. 98/1965 Modification of Laws (Notaries 18-03-1965 Public) (Extension and Modification) Order 1965

Notaries Public Act 1959

P.U. (A) 357/1980 Subordinate Courts Act 01-06-1981 (Extension) Order 1980

Internet:, Accessed on 15th February 2023



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