Effectiveness of Implementation of Internship for Prospective Notaries to Realize Professionalism in Kendal Regency

Arsanti Agatha, Bambang Tri Bawono


This study aims to find out and analyze the legal implementation of internships for prospective Notaries and analyze the effectiveness of internships for prospective Notaries in realizing professionalism in Kendal Regency. This study uses an empirical approach with legal analysis and field data. Data sources are obtained from various stages, namely primary data through interviews with Notaries and secondary data collected from legal sources and related literature. Qualitative analysis is used to describe how the effectiveness of internships for prospective Notaries themselves realizes professionalism. Based on the study, it was concluded that prospective Notaries can choose for themselves to carry out internships at the desired Notary office while still getting recommendations from the Notary job organization. Internships at Notary offices are very effective because internships are related to direct practice. The effectiveness of internships at Notary offices depends on the seriousness of prospective Notaries who carry out internships. the implementation of internships for prospective Notaries in Kendal Regency has been fully implemented well and correctly as stated in the Notary Law Number 2 of 2014 and the Regulation of the Indonesian Notary Association Number: 24/Perkum/INI/2021 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Association Number: 19/Perkum/INI/2019 concerning Internships.

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