Analysis of Law on the Notaries Office in Determination, Guidance & Supervision of Notaries Organizations as a Single Container for Notaries Organizations

Noor Lailatul Izza


Notaries in Indonesia have a very important position because Notaries are one of the public officials who are authorized to make authentic deeds. Notaries as Public Officials (Openbaar Ambtenar) who must be professional because they represent the state in carrying out the duties and functions of their position in changing deeds as evidence in the form of "Authentic Deeds". The Notary Organization is the only Notary professional forum formed with the intent and purpose of improving the quality of the Notary profession. Guidance and supervision of the Notary Organization need to be carried out so that there are no deviations in implementing the Articles of Association and Bylaws (AD-ART), as well as the Code of Ethics of the Notary Organization. The purpose of this study is to analyze: 1. To find out and analyze the Notary Law in the determination, development, and supervision of the Notary Organization as a place of residence in Indonesia 2. To find out what obstacles are faced in the analysis of the Notary Law in the determination, development, and supervision of the notary organization as a single place and how to solve them. The type of research used in this study is normative legal research, the approach method used is through a legislative, comparative, historical, philosophical, conceptual, analytical approach. The data used is secondary data sourced from library materials. The data analysis method used in analyzing the data is qualitative analysis. The government has issued Law No. 2 of 2014 Amendment to Law No. 30 of 2004 Concerning the Notary Position, In the analysis of the Notary Position Law there are several obstacles within the Indonesian Notary Association (INI) organization, of course, especially related to the determination, guidance, and supervision of the notary profession operating in Indonesia. These obstacles occur due to many factors. The absence of a Ministerial Regulation concerning the determination, guidance, and supervision of notary professional organizations that have not been further regulated in the Notary Position Law as well as limitations in supervision, complexity in guidance, challenges in enforcing the code of ethics, and dependence on state supervision.

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