The Legal Position of the Deed of Marriage Agreement Made by a Notary in the Division of Joint Assets in the Event of Divorce

Faradhita Maudy Savana


Marriage agreements are regulated in CHAPTER V of the Civil Code, Article 139, but after the issuance of Law Number 1 Number 29 of 1974, marriage agreements contained in the Civil Code are rarely used, in the Compilation of Islamic Law marriage agreements are also regulated in Article 47. Even though it is not stated in the Law Marriage, the aim and purpose of the marriage agreement is intended to concern the management of the marital assets of husband and wife in marriage, so it can be concluded by interpreting the terms marriage agreement of the Civil Code in connection with Article 29 of Law Number 1 of 1974 as well as the marriage agreement according to the Compilation of Islamic Law that was previously in force. The role of a notary in making a marriage agreement deed is to explain the rights and obligations of each party and provide considerations regarding the merits of making a marriage agreement for entrepreneurs. In this case, the notary only facilitates the preparation of the marriage agreement deed so that the content of the marriage agreement comes purely from the prospective husband and wife because there is a demand for the notary profession to be neutral. The basis of a Notary's authority in carrying out his duties and position as a notary to make authentic deeds, in this case the marriage agreement deed, is regulated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of a Notary Article 15. Position of a A notary is an official where someone can get advice that can be relied on. Everything he writes and stipulates is true, he is a strong document maker in a legal process, especially regarding legal certainty. Paying attention to the various provisions of laws and regulations relating to the existence of Notaries as Public Officials, it is possible to understand the duties and jobs of Notaries, which include providing public services to make authentic deeds, registering and notarizing (waarmerken and legaliseren) letters or deeds. -deed made under the hand.

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