Fathika Alamanda  -  Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Anna Mailasari Kusuma Dewi*  -  Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Dwi Marliyawati  -  Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Yanuar Iman Santosa  -  Diponegoro University

(*) Corresponding Author

Introduction: Cigarette smoke contains toxic substances that can trigger an inflammatory response and inflammatory cell infiltration. The nasal mucosa is the first respiratory tract part exposed to irritating substances, such as cigarettes. In previous research, Nigella sativa extract contains Thymoquinone, the active substance which has anti-inflammatory effects.

Objective: To prove the effects of the graded dose of Nigella sativa (NS) on the nasal mucosal inflammation of Wistar rats exposed to cigarette smoke.

Methods: This study was experimental with a post-test-only control group design. Twenty-five Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups, including negative control (K-); positive control (K+); treatment 1 (P1, 0.5 g/Kg BW NS/day), treatment 2 (P2, 1 g/Kg BW NS/day), and treatment 3 (P3, 2 g/Kg BW NS/day). All treatment groups and K+ were exposed to the smoke of four cigarettes per day. The experimental animal treatment lasted for 28 days and terminated on the 29th day. Histopathological preparations with Hematoxylin-eosin assessed the degree of inflammatory cell infiltration using a classification of score 0 (normal), score 1 (<1/3 field of view), score 2 (1/3-2/3 field of view), and score 3 (>2/3 field of view). Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test were conducted to determine the difference in values between groups with a significance value of p<0.05.

Results: Inflammatory cell infiltration degree in each group: K(-): 0%,100%,0%,0%, K(+): 0%,56%,44%,0%, P1: 0%,64%,36%,0%, P2: 0%,84%,16%,0%, P3 : 0%,88%,12%,0%. Kruskal-Wallis test p=0.001, and Mann-Whitney test found a significant difference between K+ and P2 groups (p=0.032), K+ and P3 groups (p=0.013), and P1 and P3 groups (p=0.049).

Conclusion: Nigella sativa could reduce the inflammatory cell infiltration of the nasal mucosa of Wistar rats exposed to cigarette smoke 


Keywords: Cigarette, Nigella sativa, inflammatory cell infiltration

Keywords: Cigarette; Nigella sativa; Inflammatory cell infiltration

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