Professional Malpractice Actions of Doctors in Criminal Law Perspective

Royce Erlando


Abstract. This study discusses malpractice committed by the medical profession from the perspective of criminal law in Indonesia. Medical malpractice is a violation of professional standards that can result in harm or death to patients. This study explores various forms of medical malpractice, including negligence, ethical violations, and other violations of the law, and how criminal law regulates and addresses these actions. The analysis in this study shows that criminal law has an important role in providing protection to patients and ensuring fair law enforcement for doctors. Malpractice cases often involve legal complexities that require in-depth interpretation of the criminal responsibility of doctors. In this context, this study also highlights the importance of a preventive approach in medical practice to reduce malpractice incidents. In conclusion, although criminal law is quite comprehensive in handling malpractice cases, there are still challenges in its implementation, especially related to proving the elements of negligence and malicious intent. This study provides recommendations for improving regulations and increasing awareness of legal responsibility among medical personnel.

Keywords: Criminal; Medical; Malpractice; Patient; Protection.


Keywords: Criminal; Medical; Malpractice; Patient; Protection.

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