Process of Settlement of Criminal Cases of Drug Abuse by Children at the District Prosecutor's Office of Semarang City
Abstract. The position of children who commit narcotics abuse crimes based on Article 22 of Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Justice System (UU SPPA), children can only be sentenced according to the provisions of applicable laws. While for children aged 8-18 years, they can be punished using exclusive limits in sync with the SPPA Law. This writing aims to find out and analyze the process of resolving narcotics abuse cases by children and law enforcement in resolving narcotics abuse cases by children at the Semarang District Attorney's Office. The approach method used in this study is the sociological legal approach method. Sociological legal is by finding the legal reality experienced in the field or an approach that is based on problems regarding legal matters and existing realities. The analytical tool in this writing uses the theory of legal certainty and the theory of legal effectiveness. The results of the study show that the settlement of cases for children has a difference because of the rights owned by children. The stages carried out in the settlement process start from the investigation and diversion stage by the Police, the prosecution and diversion stage by the public prosecutor, the trial and diversion stage at the District Court. Law enforcement against perpetrators of child abuse is attempted not to be processed through litigation. BNK Semarang further examines the chronology of drug abuse by children.
Keywords: Children; Narcotics; Resolution.
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