Professional Independence of Judges in Enforcing The Law in Courts According to The Perspective of Islamic Law
The judge is one of the most important elements in the judicial institution. He plays a very important role in implementing the implementation of Islamic law and is the person who is most fully responsible for maintaining and defending Islamic law. The judge's task is so heavy that of course not everyone is able to carry it out. This is what makes it important to provide special criteria and special screening for people who will be appointed as judges. This aims to ensure that the person holding this position is truly authoritative and qualified. In addition, a judge must be able to conduct examinations, assessments and finally make decisions on a case submitted to him. Such authority is called judicial power.The approach method used is normative juridical or legal research that only examines library materials so it is also called library legal research. Another approach used is the Analytical Approach. This research was analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis methods.For that reason, in this simple paper, the requirements to become a judge and their competence are explained. So that the discussion of the requirements and competence of judges in this paper will be explained from the perspective of Islamic justice and the current justice system (Religious Courts in Indonesia) are explained.
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