The Role of Polairud in Enforcing Illegal Fishing Laws in Indonesian Waters

Trisna Mulyana


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze Polairud's capacity in implementing illegal fishing law enforcement in Indonesian waters. In this writing the author uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. From the aspect of national law, the legal regulations governing the eradication of illegal fishing are actually very adequate. The set of rules used in eradicating and dealing with illegal fishing, among others, is based on Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries. Decree of the Chief of Police No. Pol: Skep/ 79 / II / 2001 dated 5 February 2001 concerning the appointment of Pol Airud as an Investigator in the waters and aviation sector of the Indonesian National Jurisdiction and the delegation of authority to Dit Pol Airud where procedures for handling criminal acts at sea or waters can be carried out. carried out with the first stage of ship detection by carrying out surveillance activities in water areas that are prone to criminal acts based on information obtained, identifying targets using existing facilities and second is ship investigation, carrying out ship stopping actions, and ship inspection.


Polairud; Illegal Fishing; Law Enforcement.


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