The Existence of the Prosecutor's Office in Implementing the Principle of a Single Prosecution System

Herwansah Herwansah


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the paradigm of the existence of the Prosecutor's Office in implementing the principle of a single prosecution system. The approach method used in this writing is normative juridical. This writing specification is analytical descriptive. Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the formulation of Article 2 of the Prosecutor's Law which confirms the position of the prosecutor's office or public prosecutor in terms of implementing state power in the field of prosecution and other authorities based on the law independently have not been implemented ideally. It is necessary to understand the empirical, philosophical and juridical background regarding the principle of the Single Prosecution System and its implications for prosecution policy from the perspective of the Criminal Justice System in Indonesia. The role of the prosecutor as a single public prosecutor or single prosecution system is a basis for carrying out the duties of the prosecutor's office which aims to maintain a unified prosecutorial policy that displays unique characteristics that are integrated in the behavior, thinking and work procedures of the prosecutor's office. What prosecutors must have is professional expertise, both in terms of understanding and insight.


Existence; professional; Prosecutor.


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