Legal Protection for Children as Victims of Criminal Sexual Violence

Hendi Ismoyo Wicaksono


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the implementation of legal protection for child victims of sexual violence. To find out and analyze the obstacles faced by law enforcement officials regarding violence against child victims. To find out and analyze the ideal form of legal treatment in legal protection for child victims of sexual violence in the future to serve as a guide. The research method used in writing this journal is a normative juridical method which discusses doctrines or principles in legal science. The collection of legal materials was carried out using the literature study method in accordance with the approach used in this research, namely the statutory approach. The legal materials used are legal materials from scientific writings, legislation and other materials. Based on the results of the research, the implementation of legal protection for child victims of sexual violence is in accordance with physical, mental, spiritual and social needs as an effort to restore the condition of children victims of sexual violence who have long-term trauma. The obstacles faced are in the form of concealment of the victim, the victim does not report it because he is embarrassed that his shame will be known by others and there is thuggery on the part of the perpetrator of sexual violence. Meanwhile, the obstacles to preventive legal protection are the strong individualistic attitude of society and the lack of public understanding regarding sexual violence involving children. Efforts made to maximize the implementation of legal protection for child victims of violence include understanding parents and children about the dangers of sexual violence and strengthening massive and systematic commitment and cooperation from the authorities. The ideal form of legal handling in the legal protection of child victims of sexual violence in the future to be used as a guide is to refer to Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning Crimes of Sexual Violence. Article 68 explains that victims of sexual violence have the right to treatment.


Children; Crime; Protection; Sexual; Violence.


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