Law Enforcement by the Prosecutor's Office Against Corruption Crimes

Widhiarso Dwi Nugroho


The purpose of this research is to find out, study and analyze law enforcement carried out by the Prosecutor's Office as a sub-criminal justice system for criminal acts of corruption. In this writing the author uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. The reform period has rolled on until now, corruption has not reduced, but has spread to the regions. With the Regional Autonomy Law, regional officials feel that they have the turn to practice corruption which is of course very detrimental to state/regional finances or the state/regional economy. The public often protests and expresses their aspirations through demonstrations demanding that law enforcement officials, especially prosecutors, take action against perpetrators of corruption so that state finances that have been corrupted by corruptors can be saved. The authority of the Prosecutor's Office before a case is transferred to court includes receiving notification, examining case files, carrying out pre-prosecution, carrying out detention, making an indictment, closing the case, and transferring the case to court.


Corruption; Crimes; Enforcement; Prosecutor.


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