Women's Nature in the Integrity of the Household from the Perspective of Islamic Law and Gender Equality

Khusni Alfiyan


Realizing a happy marriage can of course be created with cooperation between men and women. Human nature was created to worship God, and marriage is a means to worship God. The nature of women in the household is of course the subject of discussion in this case, because many people think that households are unhappy if women cannot have the potential according to their nature. This research aims to find out what women's nature is according to the perspective of Islamic law and gender equality and women's nature towards the integrity of the household in terms of Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage.

This research uses a normative juridical research method, research carried out with a methodical approach based on the main legal materials by examining theories, concepts, legal principles and laws and regulations related to this research. The research specifications are descriptive in nature. analytical, the type and source of data is secondary data, the data collection method uses the library method and the data analysis method uses qualitative data analysis methods. In the research, it was found that the nature of women in domestic life according to the Islamic perspective on justice is that women have a nature that can contribute to the sustainability of household happiness through the rights and obligations that have been determined if the husband has the obligation to earn a living, guide his wife, protect her. Likewise, the wife has the obligation to manage the household, maintain her husband's honor and look after her husband's assets. Apart from that, the natural role of women in the household is reviewed from Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, which states that women build a family together. A happy, sakinah family life together with their husband is mutually complementary, fair and balanced according to the rights and obligations between husband and wife so that they can create a household that is harmonious, peaceful, eternal and lasting forever. As has become the goal of marriage and domestic life itself.


Equality; Gender; Islamic; Women.



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.%25p


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