Legal Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking Crimes

Azarul Ahmad


Facts about Human Trafficking Crime Cases increase and cause widespread suffering for many victims. They will learn that all suffering requires legal protection. Losses suffered as victims of human trafficking crimes. studying The aim is to describe and discuss the placement and forms of legal protection for victims of human trafficking. It is hoped that this research can provide input and generate ideas for all stakeholders involved in the legal protection of victims of criminal acts of human trafficking. The research was carried out by studying legal materials in the form of legislation and legal concepts related to legal protection for victims of criminal acts of human trafficking. The results of this research indicate that with the passing of Law no. 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Human Trafficking, provides more guarantees and legal certainty regarding legal protection for victims of criminal acts of human trafficking. The conclusion of this research is that there are regulations and forms of legal protection for victims of non-criminal human trafficking regulated in Articles 43 to Article 55 of Law no. 21 of 2007 generally contains or regulates witness protection (referring to Law No. 13 of 2006). The suggestion in this research is that there is a need to increase knowledge and socialization regarding Law no. 21 of 2007 by the relevant agencies so that the public knows and does not become victims of criminal acts of human trafficking and those who have become victims can obtain legal protection as regulated in Law no. 21 of 2007.


Crime; Victim; Trafficking.


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Criminal Code (KUHP)

Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning Eradication of the Crime of Human Trafficking.



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