Criminal Construction Against Sexual Violence Crimes in Indonesia

Tri Rahmi Khairunissa


The aim of this research is to examine and analyze the criminal construction of sexual violence in Indonesia. In this writing the author uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. There is a lot of news in the mass media, both print and electronic, which reports incidents of sexual violence against children and women. The issue of providing punishment for perpetrators of sexual violence needs serious attention. In the Criminal Code there are several articles relating to sexual violence, including Article 285 concerning rape. Then, obscenity is regulated in Article 289 of the Criminal Code. Regarding sexual violence itself, it is regulated in Law No. 35 of 2014. Article 76C states that every person is prohibited from placing, allowing, committing, ordering to commit, or participating in committing violence against children. Article 46 of the PKDRT Law is a criminal sanction that closes the legal gap in the Criminal Code with Article 8a. By regulating criminal acts of sexual violence against women and children in positive law in Indonesia, it is hoped that it can prevent and minimize the occurrence of criminal acts of sexual violence against women and children. This arrangement is also expected to provide justice and protection for women and children who are victims of criminal acts of sexual violence.


Construction; Crime; Sexual; Violence.



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