Policy for Implementing Criminal Sanctions Against Perpetrators of Crimes of Violence Against Children

Sri Puji Lestari


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the legal process regarding acts of violence against children in relation to applicable regulations. To find out and analyze policies for implementing criminal sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts of violence against children. The method used by researchers is a normative juridical legal approach and the specifications in this research include a description of the analysis. The source and type of data in this research is secondary data obtained from literature study. Based on the results of the research, the legal process regarding acts of violence against children related to the applicable regulations, starting from the process of investigation, prosecution, trial to the decision stage, has been going well, this is proven from year to year the number of perpetrators of violence reported to the parties involved. the authorities have processed it in accordance with existing regulations. The policy for implementing criminal sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts of violence against children has been regulated in Article 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014. This is supported by the granting of a large authority to law enforcement officers who are metaphorized as institutions that have the authority to carry out public awareness and carry out inspection processes. against perpetrators starting from the investigation level at the Police, the prosecution level by the Public Prosecutor handling the case and up to the examination in court. Through various policies, it tackles criminal acts of violence in Indonesia. The existence of law enforcement can be said to be effective with the speed of the handling process, but it is necessary to provide outreach to the public regarding law enforcement regarding Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection regarding committing criminal acts of physical violence against children. The legal consequences are very serious, and have a big impact on the child, hampering the child's development, which the child should look after and protect. instilling good religious values in society so that these values can be ingrained in a person so that they do not commit any type of criminal act so as not to hurt fellow humans.


Children; Perpetrators; Violent.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.291-300


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