Implementation of Sukuk Investment in the Sharia Capital Market in Indonesia

Meutia Fardhita Rahma


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the implementation of sukuk investment in the Islamic capital market in Indonesia. To find out and analyze the impact of implementing sukuk investment on the sharia capital market in Indonesia. The method used by researchers is a normative juridical legal approach and the specifications in this research include descriptive analysis. The source and type of data in this research is secondary data obtained from literature study. Data was analyzed qualitatively. Based on the results of the research, the implementation of Sukuk Investment in the Sharia Capital Market in Indonesia is in accordance with the provisions and fatwas, starting from the mechanism for formation, issuance and management in accordance with sharia principles. The assets that form the basis of the Sukuk must not conflict with Sharia Principles in the Capital Market. SBSN is issued with the aim of financing the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget including financing project development. Funds from the issuance of sukuk collected from the public may not be used for projects that are contrary to sharia principles, such as building a cigarette factory project, financing illicit products such as those containing pork, and financing prostitution places. These sukuk funds should be used to finance projects that are for the benefit of the people and do not violate sharia rules. The impact of implementing Sukuk investment on the Sharia capital market in Indonesia is that it has a positive impact on the development of the capital market in Indonesia because the sharia capital market can attract investors who want investments that are guaranteed to be halal. With the development of the sharia capital market from year to year, it is proven that the sharia capital market is increasingly in demand from both Muslim and non-Muslim investors, this can make the sharia capital market contribute to economic growth in Indonesia.


Capital Market; Implementation; Investment; Sukuk.



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