Reform of Criminal Law on the Implementation of Restorative Justice by Prosecuting Institutions in Indonesia

Prisma Adhania Wulandari


The existence of regulations related to restorative justice in each law enforcement agency has created confusion regarding the implementation of restorative justice in Indonesia. Reform of criminal law related to restorative justice is needed to resolve this confusion. The Prosecutor's Office as a prosecutorial institution in Indonesia has the right to play a controlling role in implementing restorative justice considering that the Prosecutor's Office is dominus litis, namely as a case controller. This research aims to determine and analyze criminal law reforms related to restorative justice in the Prosecutor's Office based on the dominus litis principle in terms of the implementation of restorative justice by other law enforcement officers. The approach method used in this research is normative juridical. The research results show that (1) the Prosecutor's Office has issued Republic of Indonesia Prosecutor's Regulation Number 15 of 2020 and Attorney General's Guidelines 18 of 2021 as a form of implementing restorative justice in the law enforcement process, especially prosecution. (2) Renewal of restorative justice regulations is needed as a follow-up to Article 132 paragraph (1) letter g of the New Criminal Code as a form of uniformity in the implementation of restorative justice for law enforcement officers. The position of prosecutors in these regulations needs to be given more attention considering the nature of dominus litis. Because the Criminal Procedure Code does not strictly regulate the principle of dominus litis, it is also necessary to update the Criminal Procedure Code to strengthen the position of the Prosecutor's Office as the holder of the dominus litis principle.


Criminal; Justice; Restorative.


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