Implementation of the Agreement at Bank Syariah Indonesia for Non-Muslim Customers Applying for Business Activity Financing (Case Study at Bank Syariah Indonesia Branch KCP Semarang Sudiarto)
The purpose of this research is to find out how financing agreements are implemented at Bank Syariah Indonesia for non-Muslim customers and to find out and study the impact of implementing financing at Bank Syariah Indonesia for non-Muslim customers. To make research easier, it is necessary to have the most appropriate approach method, namely the Sociological Juridical approach. As a form of method, the approach used is to find out the reality in the field based on the principles of law or applicable legislation and which are related to the object being studied. This research concludes. From the results of the analysis, it was found that non-Muslim customers did transactions in sharia banking have used all indicators in deciding which sharia banking to use, where the profit sharing factor in both funding and lending plays the most important role, as well as service and convenience of transactions so that they choose banking that is not in accordance with the religion they adhere to. Obstacles that arise faced by BSI KCP Semarang in distributing KUR financing, customers still do not understand the murabahah contract for KUR financing and customers do not even know the benefits that using a murabahah contract will bring.
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