Effectiveness of Law Enforcement in Controlling Nightlife (Case Study Of Demak District Pamong Praja Police Unit)
Social problems in society are always changing and will develop according to the dynamics of society itself. The people of Demak Regency, which was the first Islamic kingdom on the island of Java, were no exception. However, with the development of modern times, the abundance of nightlife in Demak Regency has opened up job opportunities for the younger generation who want to work in the nightlife. This gives rise to things that are considered negative in society. Night entertainment, one of which is karaoke, is the focus of the Demak Regency government and many elements of society. The reason is, karaoke places are often filled with alcoholic drinks and karaoke guides who look sexy, making them a place of immorality. During its development, the karaoke place was even close to Islamic boarding schools and housing complexes. Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem studied is as follows: 1) Howthe effectiveness of the Civil Service Police Unit in enforcing the law for controlling night entertainment venues,2) Howproblematic implementation of law enforcement by the Civil Service Police Unit in enforcing the law for controlling entertainment venuesEvening, and 3) How to formulate law enforcement in controlling nightlife venues in the future. This research uses the methodsociological juridical. The research location is Demak Regency Satpol PP. Data collection techniques use interview, observation and documentation techniques. The results obtained from this research are the effectiveness of law enforcement in controlling night entertainment with a case study in the Demak Regency Civil Service Police Unit. The process of quite intense interaction between the community and the activities at the karaoke entertainment center ultimately creates views that are inherent in the community. Even though it has been in effect for 5 years, the karaoke place is still determined to operate again without complying with the rules stipulated in Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2018. Problems have arisen starting from weak sanctions, suboptimal human resource capabilities and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). which is not yet clear and systematic. Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Night Entertainment can indeed increase PAD (Regional Original Income) but regional governments must not be careless regarding existing supervision, regulations and sanctions in order to be as strict as possible without consequences and not be selective in this way night entertainment is available in Demak Regency can be a reference for other regions with the concept of Halal-based nightlife.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.2.3.%25p
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