The Implementation of Assistance for Victims of Crimes of Beatings
The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the implementation of assistance for victims of criminal acts of beatings. To know and analyzeobstacles and solutions inassistance to victims of criminal acts of beatings. This research is normative legal research approach method or also known as doctrinal research. The nature of the research used is prescriptive legal research. Research sources include primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Primary legal materials consist of statutory regulations, authoritative official records and secondary legal materials are books written by legal experts, legal journals, articles and materials from internet media. Then analyzed using descriptive analysis methods.Based on the results of the research, the implementation of assistance for victims of criminal acts of beatingsis still not consistent with applicable regulations. The assistance to victims provided by legal officials still favors people who can afford the services of a legal advisor. We can examine this from the principle of equality before the law in relation to the victims' rights to be accompanied by a legal advisor and their treatment. The same for the victim before the court.The obstacle is a dilemmatic situation, especially in terms of exercising the right to raise objections/exceptions. If this right is used, the consequence is that the trial of the case will take longer because there will be at least several postponements of the trial for the exception process.Efforts to overcomethe obstacle ismake a letter of application to the court to obtain the defendant's case files. Participate in eradicating legal mafia practices at the court examination level. The Legal Advisor made an exception because of the discrepancies that existed from the investigation or investigation level, the prosecution level, to the court level.
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