The Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement Problems in Traffic Violation Law Enforcement
The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the problems of Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement policies juridically and implementably. The approach method used in this writing is normative juridical. This writing specification is analytical descriptive. Technically, Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) still has problems in achieving smooth implementation. The implementation of electronic-based ticketing carried out by the police on highways has not been effective to date, in enforcing laws and regulations, and has not achieved the discipline that the highway user community aspires to. The development of ticketing must become more dynamic to solve various problems of increasing traffic violations. The implementation of Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (E-TLE) so far has not been evenly distributed, as can be seen from the CCTV cameras installed, Surveillance cameras (CCTV) in areas that have implemented electronic ticketing are not yet fully automated with vehicle number plate recognition (ANPR), Check Point cameras and speed monitoring (speed radar). Only a few points have surveillance cameras capable of monitoring speed (speed radar), check points and vehicle number plate recognition (ANPR) while there are so many traffic intersections.
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